Our approach to developmental interventions integrates Participatory Observation, Assessment and Planning. Based on the situation and need of the community, Child Care Centre operates through various intervention areas of development which includes; non-formal education, community organizations, access to drinking water and sanitation, livelihood and income generation for urban and rural poor, especially through promoting vocational education and community group formation, promoting health at community level, extending education system among the deprived and marginalized, integrating them to the mainstream basic education system, enhancing skill-based education, empowering communities, Panchayats (Local Self-Governance Institutions and facilitating the growth and development of the most vulnerable communities, especially youth, women. and children
Community organization, institution building at the community level, income generation for the needy and the deprived, enhancing livelihood opportunities and livelihood options for the target communities
Educational Awareness created among the communities, families and children who could not attend the regular schools, addressing drop out and absenteeism in schools, linkages of vocational education with formal education, retention o f children through interesting and child friendly atmosphere in learning centers
10 Supplementary Education Centers (SECs) provide education to 326 children who have shown marked improvement in regularity and learning at the Centers. Children exhibit enthusiasm to study, participation in various academic and co-curricular activities and celebrations conducted by Child Care Centre. In addition to teaching 3 main subjects (Hindi, Mathematics and English), teachers are engage in imparting value education, conducting indoor games and engage in various celebrations with the children.
Children’s Parliament (BAL SANSAD) among school-going and Non School=going children at village/mohalla level is a constructive child engagement platform being promoted by Child Care Centre. The Children’s parliament aims to create awareness and realize Child Rights.as well as Child Protection. These units act as a unique platform for the children to be motivated and build leadership among themselves. It helps the children to be part of a responsible participatory decision making process. It cultivates social awareness and promote service to the peer groups and community. It provides an opportunity for the children to grow up thinking nationally and globally and acting locally.
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